The Boston-area consumer electronics company that Matt Nichols works for “used to fill up five to ten seats per week”...
In this latest TAC Analysis, we bring the air travel recovery into context with increasingly cloudy economic horizons. Despite calls to pick a side between aviation growth or a global recession, we find evidence that both can be true – an apparent contradiction worthy of the wild times in which we find ourselves today.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateJanuary 27, 2021After Max, 787, tanker and spacecraft struggles, trouble comes to...
There are three steps to an airline industry recovery. First, airlines have to return capacity to the sky. Second, passengers need to fill those airplanes. Lastly, the fares those passengers pay must be economically sustainable. The industry has not yet reached the first step.
The abundance of aircraft parked around the world brings another, very human and more personal abundance - pilots. Without passengers to fly, aircraft will remain parked. With aircraft parked, some pilots find themselves the subject of a furlough. Yet, even as the industry stares down a potential sharp reduction in the overall pilot workforce, the massive change could simultaneously spark a major new wave of retraining that would overwhelm the global simulator infrastructure.
As 2020 draws to a close, TAC Analysis reflects on the economic chaos wrought by COVID-19 on capacity, traffic (and most importantly) revenue.
There is no all-new single-aisle airplane coming from Boeing -- at least not anytime soon, despite reports to the contrary. Yet, the company earlier this year started looking at major revamp of the 737 Max to compete with the Airbus A321XLR.
The magnitude of the COVID-19 impact on air travel now compares with the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks on the...
The connection between passenger traffic growth and new infections is mathematically meaningless.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateMay 29, 2020Business travel lags leisure early in coronavirus air travel recoveryPurchase...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateMarch 31, 2020Confusion among U.S. airlines as airplanes fly virtually empty to...
Coronavirus and its impact on a globally interconnected economy are moving at a speed faster than anyone in business and...