Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateJune 28, 2022Asia still dominates dormant fleet, but it's not clear how...
On the evening of August 24, an 18-month old United Airlines Boeing 787-10 touched down at Newark Airport after a...
A Transport Canada safety official in an email to his counterparts in the United States, Europe and Brazil outlined his...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateNovember 8, 2022Trouble is brewing in the global economy – just don’t...
The nuances of regional markets, both emerging and established, will offer a path for Embraer's E3, but will also limit its possible success. Turboprop customers are particularly sensitive to aircraft pricing, which will be challenged by the scope and pricing of a new development. By reintegrating its commercial unit, Embraer’s engineering talent is unconstrained to operate across its executive jet, defense and eVTOL businesses.
Sign up to receive updates on our latest scoops, insight and analysis on the business of flying. It’s hard to...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateSeptember 19, 2022Under the weight of market and technical reality, Heart respawns...
The global airline fleet is not recovering evenly. With global scheduled capacity up over 92% from April 2020, that metric serves better to illustrate just how terrible last April was than how good we find it in 2021. Compared to 2019, the global fleet is producing 53% fewer seat-miles. We’re a long way from where we were before the pandemic.
There’s no one definition of a regional airline and that shows in the pandemic’s rebound. TAC Analysis continues its exploration of which types of regional airlines are excelling in the pandemic era, which are struggling, and what this means for the various aircraft types operating at each.
Today, the same intuition that initially drove the networks to preserve breadth – the points on route maps – through flying smaller aircraft has shown a recent shift away from the regional aircraft. The recent new trend signals a potential change for the regional aircraft industry, and for the small communities that rely on a connection to the world’s aviation system.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateMarch 6, 2023Boeing fuel tank issue keeps 767 freighters and KC-46 tankers...
Two manufacturing issues compromised an area of the structure in the rear of the Boeing 787 that is unable to withstand the maximum stress that would be experienced by the aircraft in service and could fail.