Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateMay 2, 2022Boeing and Airbus single-aisle workhorses squeeze out regional and widebody...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber In the second of a two-part series, The Air Current explores what it...
The most far-reaching sanctions of the modern economic era have disconnected Russia and its civil aviation industry from much of the world. Its digital connection is severed, along with its access to parts, services, international markets and crucial airspace. Yet what will come of the fleet that operates today inside of Russia?
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A pilot shortage is shaping the debate over single-pilot cockpits, while Airbus CEO grabs aviation’s third rail with both hands.
The 2021 Dubai Air Show is a test of the new normal and the first large-scale civil international air show since COVID-19 ravaged aviation. Yet, Dubai is set against the backdrop of a world that is not as flat as it used to be. Freight has kept the civil aviation business alive through the pandemic. The A350 is set for launch here, the 777XF is coming, too, but not yet. Russia’s MC-21 is making its debut in Dubai. It’s a project that represents the geopolitical tension disrupting once open east-west supply lines, but its biggest opportunity may be at home where domestic air travel is booming again.
Afghanistan is lost. Beyond the crushing enormity of the human tragedy unfolding there, the jarring images from Kabul Airport capture not only the desperation to escape the Taliban, but the very essence of what aviation represents as a path to the future. Embraer heavily revised its turboprop concept and with it the company is shifting its focus from Asia squarely to North America. Qatar Airways has pulled 13 A350s from service on the order of its home regulator, but what's paint issue facing the aircraft?
Seeing an opening with uncertain Boeing product strategy, Airbus advances toward an A350 freighter. Possible buyers urge consideration of an engine from GE.
GE Aviation and Safran laid out their post-pandemic strategy, a broad technology development plan called RISE aimed at low-emission propulsion for commercial aviation in the 2030s. In a ceremony befitting the cinematic legacy of Southern California, eVTOL entrant Archer unveiled its Maker technology demonstrator. The well-funded start up is part of an industry gold rush that looks a lot like aerial entrepreneurs of the 1920s. Your humble correspondent returned to flying again after 470 days on the ground. But who's counting?
Airbus is bringing its biggest aerostructures suppliers home as part of a far-reaching strategy to deeply integrate both its design and supply chain architecture together for future aircraft. A batch of more than 100 recently-delivered Boeing 737 Max aircraft remain grounded following a design change that inadvertently interrupted safe electrical discharge inside areas of the flight deck. And since the start of the pandemic the U.S. has led new aircraft ordering globally by a large margin.
The A330, Airbus's venerable twin, is stuck between aircraft that are better at being old and those that are better at being new.
Deteriorating U.S., China relations loom over Boeing and its 737 Max recertification.