In this latest TAC Analysis, we bring the air travel recovery into context with increasingly cloudy economic horizons. Despite calls to pick a side between aviation growth or a global recession, we find evidence that both can be true – an apparent contradiction worthy of the wild times in which we find ourselves today.
TAC Analysis details its 2022 forecast in two parts, beginning with an examination of how 2021 unfolded. Domestic U.S. load factors returned to 2019 levels during the summer season, filling the available capacity to the brim. As demand continues to return without sufficient capacity to keep pace, fares have already returned to 2019 levels, a trend expected to continue in 2022.
Today, the same intuition that initially drove the networks to preserve breadth – the points on route maps – through flying smaller aircraft has shown a recent shift away from the regional aircraft. The recent new trend signals a potential change for the regional aircraft industry, and for the small communities that rely on a connection to the world’s aviation system.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateJanuary 25, 2023Rising interest rates give aircraft lessors heartburnPurchase a PDF of...
This analysis from was added to The Air Current archive on February 18, 2020. The market opportunities of new...
The data shows a strong support of what was long expected to be true: Republican voters are currently more likely to return to the skies than their Democratic counterparts.
In the middle of the single most acute crisis to hit the airline business in the history of flying, U.S. airlines are seemingly trapped playing a cascading series of one upmanship games as they chase market share, risking further destabilizing their airlines at a time when the industry’s very survival hangs in the balance.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateMay 7, 2020The case against the Airbus A220 and Embraer E2Purchase a...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateDecember 1, 2022Fares tell the tale of seasonality as airports stay packedPurchase...
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateOctober 3, 2022Widebody aircraft rebound awaits a powerful catalyst that may not...
There’s no one definition of a regional airline and that shows in the pandemic’s rebound. TAC Analysis continues its exploration of which types of regional airlines are excelling in the pandemic era, which are struggling, and what this means for the various aircraft types operating at each.
Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateAugust 4, 2022Aerospace settles into persistent single-aisle feast and twin-aisle faminePurchase a...