Log-in here if you’re already a subscriber Release DateFebruary 27, 2023Air India joins aircraft boom, but history of airline busts...
The global airline fleet is not recovering evenly. With global scheduled capacity up over 92% from April 2020, that metric serves better to illustrate just how terrible last April was than how good we find it in 2021. Compared to 2019, the global fleet is producing 53% fewer seat-miles. We’re a long way from where we were before the pandemic.
Boeing's CFO, Greg Smith, is retiring. He had amassed a slate of responsibilities that had effectively made him as close to being CEO without actually getting the title. Aviation is now multi-planetary. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory's helicopter, Ingenuity, successfully took flight on Mars. A new COVID-19 variant is ravaging India. The country had more cases on Monday than were found in the next 11 countries combined. The air travel link to and inside the planet's second most populous nation is at extreme risk.