The Irkut MC-21-310 with Aviadvigatel PD-14 engines made its first flight on Dec. 14, 2020.

Three Points: Russia’s western aerospace uncoupling, the vaccine airlift, U.S. recovery exceeding forecast

Issue No. 36

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  • Irkut’s MC-21-310 first flight with PD-14 engines accelerates Russia’s aerospace industry uncoupling from the west. Pratt & Whitney’s involvement is “on life support” as U.S.-Russia relations continue to deteriorate.
  • The first approved COVID-19 vaccine is fanning out across the world, kicking off what is possibly the largest humanitarian airlift in the history of aviation. The global effort requires a highly-coordinated logistical and operational dance.
  • The second big wave of COVID-19 cases is causing an expected decline in air travel, but the overall recovery is ahead of forecast.
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