Emirates’ Clark: 777X flight testing dormant as Boeing focuses on 737 Max

Emirates Boss Sir Tim Clark Tells TAC that more than a decade after launch “we still have no visibility of when [777-9 deliveries are] going to happen.”

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Release Date
June 2, 2024
Emirates’ Clark: 777X flight testing dormant as Boeing focuses on 737 Max

DUBAI – Emirates airline President Sir Tim Clark said Boeing’s 777X flight test program has stalled as the U.S. aerospace giant wrestles with its production quality and remaining derivative 737 Max developments.

Clark, in an exclusive one-on-one interview with The Air Current at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Annual General meeting reiterated he believes that the carrier’s first of 205 777X aircraft from Boeing will arrive in the second quarter of 2026 and said, “I think [Boeing] are probably aligned with that now.”

Related: The 777X is still the tailor-made jet for deeply-frustrated Emirates

“I’m not saying it is a backburner aircraft,” said Clark, emphasizing that the 777X is Boeing’s only major widebody development for the foreseeable future. “It shouldn’t be regarded as that. However, having said that, it’s clear they have a lot of issues and they’re working through those with the FAA, goodness knows how long it’s going to take.”

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